What are we fighting over?

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What are we fighting over?

In my own opinion, the identity/purpose/nature/intention of "god" is so far removed from our human understanding that to argue about "who, what, when, where, why, gender, number (one, two, several, many) is an exercise in extreme futility. God is like the elephant in the story of the five blind men trying to identify it. Each spoke the truth, each was right, and none of them knew what an elephant actually was. And yet we fight over it, as if our very souls depend on proving information that WE DO NOT HAVE, and probably never will have. The concept of faith is to believe what we can never know. And if we can never know it, how can we fight over it? Maybe "accepting God" means accepting the fact that other beliefs may be right too.

Scarabrae (talk)19:00, 5 May 2011

Group hug!!! (talk)02:47, 6 May 2011