Just... Why?

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I'm happy with what the DND has done. now we have one of the best jets in the world, top of the tanks with the leopard c2, artillery pieces with the m777, personal carriers are top notch with the LAV III we need to pour our money in to the military only fifty years ago we had the 3rd largest navy now we are like 35th in the world we need people join I can understand 190 million per plane is allot of money but we are the least defended border in the world I will sleep easer knowing that we one have state of the art technology in the air now as the last post said time to bring our navy up to the 21st century and he is right on the money with that . i know my point of view might be a bit jaded being in the military myself but we fight to keep you all safe (talk)17:11, 19 July 2010