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Could you imagine being that kid back at school? "So what did you children do over your breaks? Little Jimmy?" "Well ma'am, I directed air traffic from ATC in JFK, the busiest airport in the nation". BEST. BREAK. EVER. More seriously, if the pilots aren't upset and there was no loss of control or anything remotely close... who cares? Slap the guy on the wrist for being an idiot (but a fuckin cool dad) and move on. There is more important shit for the FAA to be doing than firing one of the already extremely rare ATControllers.

ShakataGaNai ^_^07:07, 4 March 2010

not sure what the big deal is, sounds like they were under close supervision the entire time. now had the father had them watch his spot while he went to lunch that would be an entirely different story. in summary, nothing to see here move along. (talk)11:54, 4 March 2010

Give me a break....this is what the FAA is investigating? Meanwhile a plane crashes into a building in Texas. How about some priorities? The lapse in judgement shown by the father and his supervisor is miniscule compared to the lapse in judgement of those who who have decided that this was a big enough issue to suspend someone over. And I don't even like kids. (talk)12:12, 4 March 2010

I would give the kid and his dad a break. Nothing bad happened anyhow, and it would be fun. (talk)17:54, 4 March 2010

Adios, amigos. (talk)19:28, 4 March 2010