Should people even care anymore?

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I think it all boils down to power and pride, some leaders dont want to be part of the same herd and they create and use religions to form large groups of people with common ideas and objectives and make sure people dont change their mind by telling them that if they do they go to hell, religion is the best political tool to control our minds especially when planting fear in your mind and take away your freedoms and confidence to think for yourself.

it is not easy to live together even for people who have good intentions they get treated wrong sooner or later and once your life is threatened you cant continue to act nicely, the thing that just impresses me is that I think that we as humans have the capacity to be good to each other however some of us are driven by certain ideas that tell us to always seek for money and power to secure our future ignoring if we do harm to others. (talk)17:10, 5 August 2014