Comments:G7 finance chiefs,

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Comments:G7 finance chiefs,

Ok, the plan of use of bartering in fair trade, of the G7, including planners of each of the G7. The due diligence of trustworthy plans does need conferencing, in an open public reviewable clear concise use of semantics. In the history of bartering in humanity, it happens just to be true, honesty is the only good policy, thereby, peaceful in the correct procedures is needed. By the use of the concepts of Treaty, like the treaties of Versaille, and fair treatment of children to adults, the Geneva Convention, in honest sociological political concerns for each nation. In this regard, the resolution to reduce the debt of poorer nations, the need of debt reduction happens to be unprecedented in recent history, in keeping to the spirit of truth, by God! in thankful needs, of need of impartiality, the equable equitable need of equality need of each nation, as history has shown, populism to garner support in high numbers by use of semantics, happens to obfusicate clarity needed for the common person of being a human being, each having a name, today for example. Those who 'distil' the political economic terminology can relate that information for the simplicity in the steps needed, under, beyond the human condition, obviously by history immemorial the need of help of the Higher Power, the Creator, as history of the USA has reported and relayed;- thus, honesty is the only policy, just happens to be true. In this regard, no human being person living or gone to the hereafter, by Creator being "nature's God" of "divine Providence" and "Supreme Judge," in that Creator is Sovereign over the USA, and thereby, each citizen, of named living today, for example, and today the posterity of the founding families, who the reality of children, thus be the inheritance of legacy and heritage;- thereby,- Israel had been part of the "Jubilee" at the turn of the century, 1900s to 2000s. Each child is due a fair shake by equality, from, thank God the Creator the giver of impartial rights & dignity. It just so happens, the colloquial "Jew" or termed here, "Galilean Judaeo Christion" or "gentile" of nations named in history, such is Israel, to the north, Turkey, south Egypt, east Jordan, west Greece, those happen to be surrounding the West Bank, of the Scriptural texts of "Judah," in both the Old and New Testaments

of the Two Olive Trees, ie Zechariah, Luke 2, of God is by, Glory to God in the highest, the good news of exceedingly great joy, the Angels told of Jesus of Bethlehem, of census, and they had to go to Egypt;-

and came back from Egypt from a type of refugee status, back to Nazareth (Branch) in northern Israel. and,-

of the Psalms, cover to cover, God Gives The Good News, good reports of God's impartial perspective, ie, Psalms 8, 33, 85 & 139, God had, does, forever the only Omniscient One knowing purpose from far off,

of sojourn and daily intentions of the heart during the day. Just peace of God, good today on sojourn of daily journey.