What would the real meaning of Mubarak's resignation turn out to be.

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What would the real meaning of Mubarak's resignation turn out to be.

The people of Egypt, as well as throughout the world may be in for a very unpleasant surprise should the events unfold as with Iran's case back in 1979. An autocrat with a very firm grip on power, a ruthless secret police and disdain for basic human rights is finally toppled by means of widespread protests. The group to which governing power is transferred makes a series of promises which keeps, at least for the time being.

However, things start changing ominously. And, with passing time, the results turn out to be worse than they used to be formerly.

The Muslim Brotherhood has made promises regarding democracy, basic human rights and liberty. But what would happen should this faction turn out to be just one more fundamentalist group? What would life in the post-Mubarak era turn out to be like in Egypt? How would things sort out for Israel having to face hardship throughout all her frontlines?

Consider this scenario: The Iranians already wield the power to close the Strait of Hormus. The Egyptians hold control of the Suez Canal. So, these two countries, based upon fundamentalist philosophies could very well choke the oil flow towards the Western Countries. After all, these countries, with the USA in the lead position, are deemed as "unfaithful" or decadent so some sort of "punishment" might be well deserved. Israel, as well, has been receiving one-fourth of her natural gas supplies fed via the Arab Gas Pipeline (which exploded a few days ago) running in from Egypt. So, why not leave her literally "out in the cold".

The bottom line is that, as previous history shows, we're only looking at the beginning of a very complicated thread of events yet to come.

Burst3 (talk)21:43, 11 February 2011

Israel needs to have an Arab friend who won't just rubber stamp her Apartheid Policies towards the Palestinians. Hopefully this will change the balance of power in the peace process so that Palestinians can finally be treated like human beings. So even if the Muslim Brotherhood does come to power as the dominant party - which seems unlikely at this point-Egypt's democracy will be a force of good for the world. In any case If you truly believe in Democracy you'll respect the people of Egypt's right to choose whoever they feel best suits their Ideals and aspirations. (talk)13:51, 12 February 2011