Outrageous What are they trying to hide and whomare they trying to control

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Outrageous What are they trying to hide and whomare they trying to control

Control is getting out of control and tsomething needs to be done a.s.a.p who is being controlled and what are they tryong to hide. this should not be passed in my opinion. (talk)19:42, 3 May 2014

This is why we need to rethink what we perceive as having happened to Russia post-soviet collapse. Instead of forcing market compliance and base-line human rights when Yeltsen was drinking it up all those years, we sat and watched as Russia re-branded the authoritarian regime the Communism was, with the word "democracy" spray painted over top. If we refuse to define democracy or keep trading with "authoritarian regimes", we risk not just wasting the cold war and it's lessons, but we are now in the process of repeating them. No basic freedom, no trade. Now lets all for once and for all define those basic freedoms. Were still a nuclear threat to ourselves in 2014. No more UN veto or no more UN. No more money for tyranny. This is Nazi Germany with the KGB running it we are dealing with now. We all watched this happen in twenty year slow motion.

Di93ig (talk)02:01, 4 May 2014

Just reading thru things and came across this. This is because Putin wants the old U.S.S.R. back and INFORMATION IS POWER So if he control the INFORMATION, he has the POWER And people in power want one thing and one thing only......MORE POWER I live in the USA, I am a American and I never have any intentions of ever going there BUT damn, I would never go somewhere that if I said something in a "sarcastic way" I could be put in jail or fined. (talk)02:54, 5 May 2014

Hes trying to completely blind the Russian people with his propaganda. Russia needs to revolt (talk)13:15, 5 May 2014