Big Brother to the Wold now?

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Big Brother to the Wold now?

Perhaps it's because of the limited information in this article, but I was left with one big question... Why would Pakistan care what the United States thinks? Are the sanctions not imposed by the United Nations? If so, then why do they need to get the United States approval?

As the leader of Pakistan, I would simply do the project and say to hell with everyone else! If Pakistan needs the gas, then who is being hurt? Are both Iran and Pakistan so broke that they can't build a simple pipeline? OR, are they looking for another infamous U.S. handout?

Have we stuck our noses into the worlds business so far that countries of the world can't, or isn't allowed, to function without our approval. We nearly went to war with the old Soviet Union because we claimed that they were expansionistic. ACTUALLY, we did go to war twice because of "Expanding Communism." Yet now WE have basically come to the point of WORLD DOMINATION! (and we wonder why other countries chant "Death To America")

Was our goal really to ensure American safety? If it was, then their definition of safety was to conquer the world. I'm retired U.S. Navy and I'm so tired of the 50 billion USD annual world handout, that I actually would welcome some group setting off a nuclear bomb in D.C! I understand the gravity of the comment, but I seriously question on whether they have gone past the point of no return. I truly LOVE my country, but I loath the people in its control - ALL of them.

We have people all over the country securing their properties because they are convinced that our country is going down hard and fast. In the past, people built bomb shelters because they feared that the U.S. was going to be attacked. Today, people not only fear outsides forces... they have a very real fear of its own government! I know for a FACT (remember - retired military) That the people in control will do ANYTHING that it wants to its own citizens or others elsewhere. They have very little fear of exposure or retaliation.

To some I may sound as an alarmist, a pessimist, or even a nut job, but just look at the responses by our citizens and other countries when the U.S. gets caught doing something wrong. Protests? In Iran yes, but only a handful in the U.S. The citizens of the U.S. are basically afraid of its own government.

Here is one last fact - It is illegal for anyone in the U.S. government to publically disclose that any laws have, or are being broken by the U.S. government!!!! Denille (talk)13:59, 3 December 2013