Americans betrayed by Obama

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Americans betrayed by Obama

President Obama misled many voters sympathetic to medical marijuana use in 2008, while Michigan became the 13th State to approve medical marijuana based on a People's Initiative that same election; and today there are 17 States with Medical Marijuana approval. As more and more people realize the error of the Schedule 1 drug classification of marijuana, more and more people feel betrayed by Obama, who used plenty of marijuana himself and knows the comfort and relief it can bring to a body. The money that controls Obama is dirty, coming from sources with an agenda that has been harming Americans who believe in planting a seed, and Americans who believe the fruit of that seed has healing properties to remedy their ailments. And what about religious use of marijuana? Because of the feelings produced under the influence of marijuana, many users claim a spiritual enlightening, or experience that compels one to praise and worship GOD for creating the plant. How can any American deny that the Constitution intended to permit and protect such a private relationship with one's GOD? But Obama, and a bunch of self-appointed Big Brothers in a position to profit from marijuana prohibition, dirty money, have sacrificed many good Americans and their families to the private prison systems, to fines and forfeitures, and to slave labor community service time, for smoking a joint, like Obama. His feeble claim about Federal law could be easily ignored by his Administration like he ignored the Constitution that requires only Congress to declare war; or he could lead the change of the Schedule 1 classification of marijuana to meet the needs of the people. How will History judge the first black President who promoted provenly failed drug policies that imprisoned blacks in higher proportions than other groups using marijuana to create a slave class of criminal for his prison industry friends? Nature and the people will surely give him a thumbs down. (talk)22:10, 4 May 2012