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The future

The future

We're in store for a lot more than this. The UN predicts we'll add 1 billion people within the next 15 years, and another billion by 2045. We'll need to end the gluttonous lifestyle of the west and have another green revolution... or we'll all be eating bread made from insects.

SweetNightmares (talk)19:24, 17 April 2011

Amen. Another topic that "torques my jaw." Overpopulation. We need to stop telling ourselves "it'll be all right" and start talking about population control. There are too many of us now, and yet the majority of people have no idea. Years ago (the late 1960s) I used to hear about Zero-Population Growth, now apparently no one wants to talk about it, let alone do anything about it. Two kids per family and everybody eats is way better than "octomoms" and everyone going hungry. We are NOT running out of people, we're running out of places to put them and ways to feed them.

Scarabrae (talk)13:54, 18 April 2011

hopefully AIDS will create a good balance and see to the problem of overpopulation in Africa. (talk) 16:20, 30 April 2011 (UTC) (talk)16:20, 30 April 2011

That's rather a cruel way to solve the problem. I do hope you are being ironic. Both AIDS and over-population are helped along by our unwillingness to keep our knickers up until we've taken responsibility for the outcome. Also, Africa isn't the only place that's over-populated. Any place where people are going hungry, the population has overshot the available food. We need to think global (yes, the United States, too) birth control and we need to do it now.

Scarabrae (talk)16:28, 15 May 2011