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Comments from feedback form - "What motion do you refer to in..."

The motion is in the lede: "That religion is a force for good in the world".

Tom Morris (talk)01:59, 1 December 2010

Consider how the [true] religions of God served the world of humanity! How the religion of Torah became conducive to the glory and honor and progress of the Israeli nation! How the breaths of the Holy Spirit of His Holiness Christ created affinity and unity between divergent communities and quarreling families! How the sacred power of His Holiness Muhammad became the means of uniting and harmonizing the contentious tribes and the different clans of Peninsular Arabia -- to such an extent that one thousand tribes were welded into one tribe, strife and discord was done away with, all of them unitedly and with one accord strove in advancing the cause of culture and civilization, and thus were freed from the lowest degree of degradation, soaring toward the height of everlasting glory!

(Abdu'l-Bahá) (talk)20:57, 5 January 2011

Heh. Ignoring the first 2 bits of dren and moving on to the third, Muhammad united the arab tribes completely did he? No internal strife at all, eh? Cause, it's not like there exists any strife between the Shi'ite and Sunni movements, right? Nope, none at all. In fact there is so little strife that it would be completely incorrect to claim that there has been a low grade (and sometimes not so low grade) civil war going on within Islam for the past 1350 years.

Gopher65talk22:46, 5 January 2011