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It's unlikely, because most of this sort of content is produced in other jurisdictions (or even times) where enforcement is more lax or laws do not prohibit the depicted acts. This was the case for the dogfights in the videos at the root of this case. I support the court's ruling, mind, but I think it's best defended on principled, ideological grounds. The thing about pragmatic benefits of upholding liberty is that, even where they do exist, circumstances are always subject to change. If we find that freedom no longer has an objective benefit in situation X, should we disregard the freedom or uphold it on principle? If it's to be upheld on principle, then it's more parsimonious to invoke that than to mire oneself in irrelevant minutiae. (talk)05:46, 22 April 2010

The laws are biased and total hypocratic:for Animals are just food for the myraids/masses:How can any one be cruel to food/nutrition/diet?,besides crampling for Obesity?,MAKE SENCE MR justice your worship. the concious objects this semantic ruling/judgement its Just Envy the obvius Master of evolution and politica myham.non excelence PRODUCT OF the hazing global world/universe! Hence no man is an island.(Dikgosi Sejabodile) (talk)02:35, 29 May 2016