"If you arrest the Brown's, then arrest every man in America that has cheated on his wife and created a child"

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"If you arrest the Brown's, then arrest every man in America that has cheated on his wife and created a child"

The family was living in a home that had 3 separate dwellings, sort of like an apartment unit, with plans to add a fourth... However the Lehi police have chased them from their home, up-rooted children from the only community they have ever known.... These people care for their kids, however I feel that the community excepted them, but the Lehi police & District Attorney does not, I mean my God people they lost their jobs.... I don't care for that lifestyle but I also don't care for swinger lifestyles, but you aren't doing anything about them! Give it a rest already, dudes work on your wives. Don't be jealous because he has four! Guy's, really? Find something else to do, leave the Brown family alone, seriously.....They were working, tax paying Americans,. We are just lucky they have good work ethics and prefer to work rather then go on welfare. Thank your lucky stars.... (talk)07:39, 14 May 2012