User:Bawolff/Table test2
- US House approves $1.17 billion in Amtrak funding
- Man calls for seizure of Justice Souter home, under eminent domain ruling
- Schröder loses motion of confidence
- Leitzinger, Forbes-Robinson win the Brumos Porsche 250 at Daytona
- Africa faces food crisis, UN Security Council told
- United States Supreme Court Justice O'Connor to retire
- Multiple deaths as Congolese government cracks down on pro-democracy protests
- Minnesota state government shuts down
- Romania redenominates its currency
- USA lifts remaining sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro
- Spain legalizes same-sex marriage
- UN/WHO making progress in treating HIV/AIDS, but will miss 2005 target
- Rail tunnel collapses at Gerrards Cross, UK
- FBI's covert "Operation Site Down" targets top international warez and piracy sites
- Fiji "running out of patience" with Vanuatu over ban on Fijian biscuits
- US officials accused of covering up human deaths from BSE and discouraging testing of suspected animals