this is an idea for comments, if people decide that we want comments
Scientists find out that the world is not a sphere but really a nonagonal pyrimmid. It is expected that airlines will increase prices. blah, blah, other random nonsense.
- blah
Comments on article (Experimental) |
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idea on comments
I personally think we should have comments because people like puuting there $0.02 in. This is just an idea I had on how it could be implemented, assuming everyone desides they want comments. If we do decide to have comments, there's proably someone better then me at wiki-editing who will have a better idea on how to implement it. Bawolff 15:06, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC)
test comment --User:Unforgettableid
Poetential problems
- Anyone can edit comments. (will apear different in RC then posting a comment I think though)
- Nothing forcing people to sign.
- all coments flat (not threaded, potential problem for large volume of coments)
- May not work in articles needing TOC or with multiple sections (can be worked around)
Potential solution:
- Make a bot that will automaticly rollback edits that are not comments (listen in to the IRC rc or something like that) and change the title of each comment like this:
==Super cool coment title==
==Super cool coment title <small>(By: ~~~~)</small>==
Note I can't program or make bots so the feisability of that is something I don't know. Bawolff ☺☻ 23:22, 15 December 2005 (UTC)
Doesn't look like Comments are marked specially in RC :(. That could cause vandalism problems
it could be
looks alright but ima intrested to see how it works. i dont think other will like the idea but i support commments on the news i think ..--Whywhywhy 08:12, 18 December 2005 (UTC)
fixed couple bugs - looking forward
- Find some way to use the iff template to display a msg if no ones commented yet. see commented areas in user:bawolff/comment (update: would be paser functions now)
- Look into using hide/reappear comments via css (
posibility for some sort of moderation system(update: didn't know what i was talking about wwhen I wrote this) - other intreasting problems I havn't though of yet/have forget before I have written them down.
- Try and convince people to actually use this. Bawolff ☺☻
08:46, 18 December 2005 (UTC)
Just seeing how it works
Hey, this could be cool! :) I've actually thought a good bit about how to do comments. I'll put some of it here. Nyarlathotep 01:03, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
Yes, quite impressive use of the wiki. :) So my thoughts are that comments on the article page ought to be "improvable" by anyone, but that the original author ought to be respected. Nyarlathotep 01:13, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
BTW, One could imagine a whole wikiblog/wikioped site built around this principle, i.e. articles have a list of authors & the wishes of the authors are respected within that article. But there is some other procedure for determining the "worth" of articles, i.e. moderation.
Anyway, I don't think you want comment moderation if it can be avoided. Its best to work out a sence of wiki-etiquette which allows for the wiki-like "improvment" of comments, but has respect of authorship, addition of authorship, etc. As for threading & moderation, just let people "sort" the comments themselves to provide threads & moderation. Nyarlathotep 01:19, 26 December 2005 (UTC)
Thats probaly a good idea
In regards to moderation. I probaly wouldn't be able to do it in CSS anyway, and even if i did it wouldn't work in internet explorer. Bawolff ☺☻ 05:59, 27 December 2005 (UTC)
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer is WYSIWTF?
Anyway... Can't the more inviting comment system you suggest be better served with a Comments namespace? I'd be happy to have a template to add to articles inviting comments - or even include it on the default article pages. We probably need Wikinews:Comments and Wikinews:Comments/acceptable use to define things like "extreme and offensive foul language with be deleted on sight, racism will not be tolerated". However, on that latter point I wonder if we are better leaving it to illustrate that the poster is a bigot and responding by calling it what it is. --Brian McNeil / talk 11:03, 18 May 2007 (UTC)
testing 1 2 3
this is pretty cool!
- Wow, how'd you find this. I havn't talked about this in about 2 months. Bawolff ☺☻ 03:56, 6 June 2007 (UTC)
blah, oooh, kool :p Symode09 23:24, 10 June 2007 (UTC)
As I said before...everyone including anonymous users can see the comments tab. I am against any "box" going on any article page. Its tacky and its against NPOV policy IMO. DragonFire1024 09:45, 11 June 2007 (UTC)
- Yes I know. The same argument has happened about 5 times since i originally created it. Each time the end resualt is no to comments, but each time more and more people support comments. Which is kind of interesting. I just spam this page whenever the discussion comes up as an idea for what to do if ti is decided to totally allow comments. Bawolff ☺☻ 22:56, 11 June 2007 (UTC)
- Comments are fine...with the way they are set up now. The tab is there...thats all we need IMO. DragonFire1024 03:28, 12 June 2007 (UTC)
testing one two three this is cool 02:52, 7 July 2007 (UTC)