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My beliefs and affiliations
Brian (formerly Brian New Zealand), is a New Zealand Wikinewsie on Wikinews, and discovered Wikinews during the 2005 New Zealand General Election. In January 2006 I became a accredited reporter. And as of February 2006 I was created an Admin, and in 2007 I became a Bureaucrat -- please feel free to leave a message on my talk page if I can assist you in some way!
I was created an arbitrator on January 31, 2007. Please read about the Wikinews Arbitration Committee for more information about the final step in dispute resolution.
Accredited reporter
Reporter: Brian (Brian New Zealamd) Location:New Zealand Email: Email via Wikinews | Tel/Voicemail: not available Other contact methods: Google Talk: bcandertonATgmailDOTcom
Disclaimer: Accredited Wikinews reporters do not represent the Wikimedia Foundation; they are trusted contributors whom the Wikinews community has certified for the purposes of gathering information related to Wikinews articles.
You can find me on the Wikinews IRC channel under the name BrianNewZealand.
I'm a native speaker of New Zealand English.
This user lives in New Zealand
Kua taea e tēnei tangata te taumata waiwai mō te reo Māori.
On Wikinews I am a accredited contributor, Adminstrator, Arbitrator, Checkuser, Oversight and Bureaucrat. Please Contact me if you need any of the actions done.
I have accounts in many other Wikinews's.