User:Free them/Revealing gender wealth gap in the United States

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  • 10 year revealing gender wealth gap in the United States. Women are saving more money then men and 401(k)s cash value used

to be in balance between man and Women but, in only

  • 10 years there has been a 32% increase in the cash value of womens 401(k)s to 2/3 of balance of cash between man and Women and if this trend continues for the next
  • 10 years women will have 87% of the 401(k)s balance of cash between man and Women.

2/3 of the new small businesses are being started by women. Women owned businesses grew in 5 years to employ 26% of the workers of United States, 27.5 million people. If this trend continues for the next

  • 10 years women owned businesses will grow to employ over 41 million or 38% the workers in United States.

President Bush said "Women owned businesses are growing at twice the rate of all other United States firms", today women own 9.2 million businesses after growing 14% over 5 years if this trend continues for the next

  • 10 years women will own 11 million businesses.

2/3 of single family homes are being bought by single women.

98% of women marry men who make more money then the women. Money is the number one cause of divorce. Women over 40 file 2/3s of divorcees because wives over 40 are most likely to earn more money the there husband. In about

  • 10 years wives earning more more money then there husband

will be the number one filers for divorce in United States.

Almost 60% of all college degrees are going to women.[1]

Boys are the now consuming 80% of Ritalin being sold [2]


  • Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao Urges Senate Committee to Address Retirement Issues of Women 401(k)[3]
  • Remarks of Labor Secretary Chao, U.S Department of State webpage "women are saving more" March 4, 2002[4]
  • COVER STORY Business Week, May 26, 2003 "The New Gender Gap" boys consuming 80% there are school districts giving more then 20% of the boys in there school Ritalin. By Michelle Conlin [5]