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User:Meob3471354/Libyan refugees flee north to Italy

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May 12, 2011 After months of violence in Libya, where rebel forces have infiltrated President Gaddaffi’s stronghold on the nation, the Italian coast guard has successfully rescued more than 500 Libya refugees fleeing the violence. The boat, holding the refugees, ran aground after hitting some rocks near an Italian port on Italy’s southern Island of Lampedusa, on Sunday. An Italian coast guard official confirmed there were no casualties in the incident, with only minor injuries occurring to passengers who were later released from hospital. This is not the first boat to have reached Lampedusa in recent days, with 800 inward refugees arriving off the coast earlier on Sunday, the second of such arrivals in less than a week. However there is increasing scepticism, in regards to the validity of the refugees status, through claims the children were thrown overboard as an act of human sacrifice. Thousands of the refugees - mostly all migrant workers from sub-Saharan Africa - arriving in Italy, have fled Libya in recent weeks to escape the escalating violence in North Africa. The conflict has seen the death of more than 4,000 and the kidnapping of over 2,000 civilians by pro-Gaddafi forces.

“Italy rescues 500 migrants after boat runs aground near Lampedusa Island” AHN Staff, All Headline News, 9th May 2011, AHN, accessed 12th May 2011 http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/90047756?Italy%20rescues%20500%20migrants%20after%20boat%20runs%20aground%20near%20Lampedusa%20island

“Italy denies reports of Libyan refugee 'human sacrifice' The Telegraph, 12th May 2011, Telegraph Media Group Limited, accessed 12th May 2011 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/8508557/Italy-denies-reports-of-Libyan-refugee-human-sacrifice.html

Tong, Xiong; “More than 1,000 killed in Misrata: rights group” Xinhua News Agency, 11th May 2011, accessed 12th May 2011 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2011-05/11/c_13870236.htm


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