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Yuri Perohanych
Yuri Perohanych, Founder
Yuri Perohanych
The deed is everything, the glory nothing. --Goethe
but Vita brevis, gloria aeterna

About me

My real name is Юрій Пероганич in Ukrainian. I have been a practicing (volunteer) Wikipedian since 2006; my home wiki is the Ukrainian Wikipedia, but I make occasional contributions to the Polish, English and Russian Wikipedias as well.

I have a strong background in software engineering, international law and an abiding interest in literature, history and open access.

I am a General Director of the Association of IT Enterprises of Ukraine — a "chamber of commerce" for member companies.

With my wife Tanya we have founded and develop a web portal about the Ukrainian Artists and Art "Ukrainian Woman", http://ukrainka.org.ua

In 2017 I started a wiki «Encyclopedia of Civil Society in Ukraine», http://prostir.wikia.org

in 2018 I became the Head of the Board of the NGO "Creative Elite of Ukraine".

In 2019 I started a wiki «Encyclopedia of Nosivka Rayon», http://wikinosivka.info

One can find articles about me in Ukrainian, French, Korean, Polish and Estonian Wikipedias.

My work

What I do here
Participation in the Wikimedia projects
  • I am an initiator and a founder of the Wikimedia Ukraine. I used to serve as its Board Member and Executive Director (since 2009 to 2013), and in its Auditing Committee (in 2015).
  • Successfully negotiated transmission to CC BY license of the President of Ukraine website (in 2016) and a dozen of government's websites
  • No 19 most active editor in the history of Ukrainian Wikipedia, made over 140 000 edits, started more than 3800 new articles.
  • I am an administrator and one of major publishers at WMUA weblog, see http://wikimediaukraine.wordpress.com/, organized several press-conferences, dozens of press-releases. Monitoring media coverage of the Ukrainian Wikipedia.
  • Negotiated transmission to free licenses several books and encyclopedias.
  • FDC member (2012–2014)
The extent and nature of my participation in other free knowledge, free software, collaborative and/or educational initiatives other than the Wikimedia projects.

Contact me

  • E-mail: perohanych(_AT_)gmail.com
  • FB: perohanych
  • skype: perohanych
  • cell: +38 067 505 1201

Some of my awards:

FDC special barnstar
User language
uk-N Для цього користувача українська мова є рідною.
ru-4 Этот участник владеет русским языком почти как родным.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
pl-3 Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie zaawansowanym.
be-2 Ведаю беларускую мову пасярэдне.
Users by language

This user participated in WM CEE Meeting 2018.
This user participated in WM CEE Meeting 2023.