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User:Pingswept/RCWalsh email 050226

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An email I received


My email address and that of Ryan Walsh have been obscured to protect us from spambots.

X-Apparently-To:	 p***swept@yahoo.com via; Sat, 26 Feb 2005 10:00:15 -0800
Authentication-Results:	mta146.mail.re2.yahoo.com from=Princeton.EDU; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
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Return-Path:	<**walsh@princeton.edu>
Received:	from (EHLO Princeton.EDU) ( by mta146.mail.re2.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 26 Feb 2005 10:00:15 -0800
Received:	from smtpserver1.Princeton.EDU (smtpserver1.Princeton.EDU []) by Princeton.EDU (8.12.9/8.12.9) with ESMTP id j1QHwX3j028496 for <p***swept@yahoo.com>; Sat, 26 Feb 2005 12:58:33 -0500 (EST)
Received:	from [] (rcwalsh.student.Princeton.EDU []) (authenticated bits=0) by smtpserver1.Princeton.EDU (8.12.9/8.12.9) with ESMTP id j1QHwW0U014063 (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=RC4-MD5 bits=128 verify=NOT) for <p***swept@yahoo.com>; Sat, 26 Feb 2005 12:58:32 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID:	<4220B8C8.4040809@princeton.edu>
Date:	Sat, 26 Feb 2005 12:58:32 -0500
From:	"Ryan Walsh" <**walsh@Princeton.EDU>  Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book
User-Agent:	Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (Windows/20041103)
X-Accept-Language:	en-us, en
MIME-Version:	1.0
To:	p***swept@yahoo.com
Subject:	Fed's wikinews report in Princeton class
Content-Type:	text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding:	7bit
Content-Length:	206

Yes, Federico gave a great report about Wikinews in my Princeton 
called Mass Media.

Indeed, everyone in the class seemed to enjoy learning about Wikinews, 
and Federico was a great speaker.
