User:Scots Don/ScotBOFH

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Hommage to BOFH.

The pimply-faced youth has been promoted. Regrettably, the promotion required a move to the Northern Province of Greater Britain. The new Boss is just like the old Boss, but – unfortunately – a nephew of his.

The birth of ScotBOFH can only end in tears, randomly deleted files, opportunistic electrocution of superiors, and careful rewrites of Nigerian scammer emails so the acounts department start sending money to a numbered Swiss account.

/01-Fit the first, the original checks in on his protoge

Simon calls in, apparently somewhere in the Middle-East. He still has all the blackmail material on the newly-promoted ScotBOFH. Failure to meet required performance standards could be career-limiting, painful, or even require assuming a new identity in South America.

The relocate is taking its toll on Stephen; the Boss, after a few introductor sparring sessions, and a well-formed fear of the potential consequences of asking him to real work, Stephen has been sent on a special mission.