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Anton Boyko

Jonathan M. "TacticalSniper" Boyko
Jonathan M. "TacticalSniper" Boyko

Born to Vladimir and Irene Boyko in May 29, 1984, in West Ukrainian city of Chernovitz. At the time, Irene worked as a school teacher, while Vladimir worked at a large production plant. The baby was born as Anton, and Vladimir left his job to stay with the baby, which was infected with a staphylococcus bacteria after its birth and was constantly sick for over three years since its birth. That was the main reason for Vladimir leaving his job and for a while, Irene was the only one supporting the family - which at the time was financially possible, due to relative low prices in the former USSR.

The young boy then attended a kindergarten, and also a kindergarten no. 25, which provided a studying year preparing young students for the first grade in school.

Young Anton attended later enrolled in Jewish school no. 41 in the same city - one of the two Jewish schools ever created in Ukraine. The school was not a religious school - the students attended lessons ranging from Math to History of Ukraine and Russian language - to Jewish subjects like Jewish History, Jewish Tradition and Hebrew language. Anton was one of the best in class in some of the humanitarian studies, including English and Hebrew, as well as history. Anton finished studying in school no. 41 in 1997, a little under a month after starting the eighth grade.

Jonathan M. Boyko


At September 25th, 1997, 02:30 AM, the Boyko family landed in Ben Gurion International Airport - near Tel Aviv, Israel - and started the immigration process. Both father and the son changed their names - to Avishalom and Jonathan Moses - while the mother stayed with the name Irene. The family immediately moved to Ofrah settlement, in the West Bank, twenty miles north to Jerusalem, where they live to this day.

Since his arrival to Israel, Jonathan finished the eighth grade in Beit El school, and for the next four years studied in Hartman High School in Rehavia neighborhood, Jerusalem. Jonathan finished the school in 2002, with especially good grades in English and History.

Jonathan M. "TacticalSniper" Boyko


During the last four years of school (ninth to twelfth grade), Jonathan added "TacticalSniper" as his nickname. It first came up during the years he played computer games - particularly, SWAT 3. The nickname stayed the same to this day.

Five months after finished the school - on December 5, 2002, Jonathan joined the Israeli Defense Forces and was drafted to the Combat Engineering Corps. After four months of Basic Training, Jonathan was promoted to Marksman and was given a modified M16A2E3 rifle with Trijicon 4x sight. After another four months of Advanced Training in the Jordan Valley, Jonathan's company was assigned for combat duty near the Palestinian town of Bitunia, where he spent four months. After this, Jonathan was assigned for additional four months to a combat company, located near Beit Iqsa.

Finishing the four months of service, and being now for a year and four months in the Army, Jonathan was reassigned for another eight months to a company of "green" soldiers, as a communications Sergeant. Finishing this, Jonathan was reassigned to Battalion's Headquarters, as Battalion Commander's Office administrator, where he spent the last year of the IDF service.

At the moment, Jonathan works in a large Israeli computer sales company, and is an author of his own blog.


Jonathan's TacticalMiddleEast

Jonathan's Profile at It's All Politics