< Wikinews:2005 | January
- Zhao Ziyang's funeral scheduled for Saturday
- China commutes Tibetan monk's death sentence
- Condoleezza Rice confirmed as U.S. Secretary of State by Senate vote

- ESA's Smart-1 takes its first close-up images of the Moon
- Distributed computing climate change model gives bleak results
- Iraq: Marines killed in helicopter crash
- People killed as three trains crash in Los Angeles
- White House cuts Hubble from budget
- Expedition 10 completes first spacewalk
- Bush requests $80bn to pay for on-going military operations
- Sharon to open discussion with Abbas
- The British referendum question is published today
- MST creates Marxist school in Brazil
- News Briefs: January 26, 2005
- Rice new Secretary of State
- Sun donates Solaris operating system, 1,600 patents to community