< Wikinews:2006 | January
- Indian city of Bangalore to be renamed Bengaluru
- Vladivostok fire witnesses dispute official death toll of nine, claim at least 50
- U.S. army interrogator convicted in Iraqi general's death
- No evidence of dead terrorists in US bombed Pakistan village
- Bali Nine refused access to federal police files
- Sri Lankan attack disrupts peace envoy
- Greenpeace, Sea Shepherds end Southern Ocean whaling protest
- Witnesses of fire in Vladivostok under investigation
- Four Australian states ablaze, two dead, homes lost
- Concerns over Neville's Celebration
- Sample from Turkish patient shows mutated Bird Flu virus
- House of Supreme Court Justice threatened
- New case of Mad Cow disease found in Canada
- NASA postpones Stardust mission briefing, no revised date as of yet
- Ford Motor Company cutting 30,000 jobs by 2012