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Wikinews:Dynamic quiz/quiz/2012/27

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Welcome to the Wikinews World News Quiz, giving you a chance to test your knowledge on this week's news.

Last Updated: June 29, 2012



1 In the aftermath of Syria's recent shooting down of a Turkish fighter jet, what did the European Union urge Turkey to do?

Have peace talks with Syria
Take military action in Syria
Show restraint in its response
Impose sanctions against Syria

2 How were Helen and Stephen Gilham murdered?

Stabbed to death
Shot dead
Repeatedly hit with hammer
Poisoned with antifreeze

3 Which of these member states has not sought access to funds from the European Union's bailout fund?


4 Which of these TV series broadcast images of the prophet Muhammed in a bear suit?

Family Guy
South Park
American Dad!
The Cleveland Show

5 Which of these events is Algerian Abdelhafid Benchabla to compete in for the 2012 Olympic Games?

400 metre running