Wikinews:Local stories
This page is no longer current and/or valid. It is kept for historical record or interest. Do not assume content on this page is still technically correct.
If the information contained on this page becomes timely again, please remove this tag. |
Wikinews encourages highly local stories that are only relevant to readers from your town or city, that is, true "citizen reporting" from the ground. Please do keep the following in mind:
- If you can make a local story less local by adding context (history, background information), quotes or facts, please do so.
- Always categorize stories which are only relevant to a local audience as Category:Local only.
- Everything in a story should be verifiable or traced to your original reporting. Necessarily, it is harder for us to verify and check the plausibility of highly local citizen reporting. It is therefore doubly important that you follow the Wikinews:Original reporting guidelines, and document your research on the discussion page. Having a track record in the Wikinews community helps.
As of February 2006, all stories published on Wikinews, including local ones, are shown on the frontpage. This may change as we develop more portals and the story publication rate per day increases. Putting local stories in the "Local only" category ensures a smooth eventual switchover. It also allows them to be filtered by scripts syndicating Wikinews content.