Wikinews:Video 2.0/Newsreader

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Are you interested in reading the news for Wikinews: Video Edition?

Simply write your, username, gender, and whether you have access to a green screen (you don't have to) and any other useful information (such as any other experience), as well as a recent photograph, and we'll contact you soon. Remember, you can apply without previously having to enlist in the project.

Please follow the simple guide when applying. An example is below.

Username: [[User:___]]
Gender: Male/Female
Green Screen: Yes/No
Photograph: [[:Image:_____]]
Experience: Short description of experience if applicable.

Current Applicants


(Place details below)

Username: User:seanmcgowan
Gender: Male
Photograph: Am very handsome, don't worry. :)
Experience: None. But I am a novelist, an avid student of history and especially the Middle East, I have a great digital camera with very high quality video capabilities, a 2-gig SIM card, the fastest MacBook Pro on the planet, I speak four languages, am on my own traveling the world with enough of a budget to finance myself, and am presently in Lebanon forty miles south of tank fire. I was five miles from the car bomb in Beirut this morning. I would like to contribute some multimedia (I am very computer literate but only have the standard Mac software like iMovie, etc ... which I think should be sufficient) to this project. I don't know where to begin. Anyone with any info or help, please contact me directly as I may not be able to check back here and don't really know the in's and out's of this whole Video2.0 thing at all. ... thanks! I hope I can help.

Username: User:DragonFire1024
Gender: Male
Green Screen: No
Photograph: Image:Me1.jpg
Experience: Been writing Wikinews articles for over 1 year. Have published close to 1000 articles...I think. Did a small news cast in elementary school...Still trying to hunt that video down.

Username: User:jmartin678
Gender: Male
Green Screen: No, not yet
Photograph: Image:jamesmartin.jpg
Experience: 'Even though I am only 18 years old, I have attended the Grimsby Institute of Higher Education in the UK, studying broadcast journalism and media studies. I have also done a course with the London School of Journalism - and have appeared on many local and national television broadcasts in the UK - and I have also appeared on many websites - reporting on news stories. I have filmed, presented, edited and produced many news videos - all using proffessional video editing software such as Apple's Final Cut Studio 2 and Adobe Premiere. My work has also been recognised by some of the big international broadcasters. I can provide links to YouTube and my personal website to show you my work.

Username: User:LostProphyt
Gender: Male
Green Screen: No, But Can Be Arranged
Photograph: Image:LostProphyt.JPG
Experience: Total media geek. Graduated Art Institute of Pittsburgh 1999, major in Multimedia. Video/Audio production skills, as well as copy writing and editing. Have been told I have a "radio voice." I'm new to WikiNews for this reason alone, but hope to make contributions where I can in the future. I've been active on Wikipedia for around a year. Have access to multiple media tools, including cameras (still and video) and editing software.

Username: User:bigmacd24
Gender: Male
Green Screen: No
Photograph: Image:bigmacd24.jpg
Experience: Enthusiastic Poli. Sci. Student from University of Waterloo, (Canada), access to high quality camera, speak Canadian English, theater experience from youth as well as amateur theater on campus... I also speak poor French, well enough to interview, not well enough to read the news