Comments:British sailors detained by Iran "to be tried for espionage"

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God Damn it


If they touch a hair on their head, we should destroy Iran completely. Brian | (Talk) | New Zealand Portal 07:35, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

Iran has to follow the Geneva Conventions, the capured men have to be handled at worst as POWs. At this point it, makes no different, wether they invaded Iran or were capured somewhere else. --Histio 13:36, 25 March 2007 (UTC)
Yes, but look what happened to the guys who got taken in 2000 Brian | (Talk) | New Zealand Portal 20:07, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

What to do?


Talk about an impasse...

This situation is a mess, and let me tell you -- right now I don't feel any envy for Tony Blair. If Iran refuses to return the troops because they were in Iranian waters, then he's either got to rescue them, do nothing, or level Iran into dust (theoretically, he could impose sanctions at the UN, but in the past few days we've seen how effective that is). The latter option, of course, will be met by an increase of violence to an extreme point, and probably all-out-war. Doing nothing will met by an increase of violence and kidnappings, I'm sure. It'll also make anti-war supporters and war-spouses go after his head. Rescuing them will give the IRGC just another chance to have a bunch of military hostages, albeit these ones with the logo of the SAS on their shirts.

I'm saddened to see what I thought was a fairly decent leader - a leader with charisma, intelligence, and what I felt was an honest benevolent attitude -- have so much pressure tossed upon him. Despite all the things that have plagued his career, I liked the guy, and as a fellow human, I certainly feel sorry for an event that could break his back occurred over something like this. I can't say for sure; he definitely has more information than I do, and I'm sure if there's a possible solution, he'll take it. I think the time has come where global war is imminent, and will be so, until we solve this 'pesky problem' of conflicting religion and have our Restoration.

LeRob 06:53, 25 March 2007 (UTC)



Think the sailors have to be handeld as prisenor of war.--Histio 13:00, 25 March 2007 (UTC)



Despite many differences between the U.K,IRAN,U.S and IRAQ,the british sailors should be released and the iraqis detained by the U.S troops also be released to avoid this imminent danger and war that may ensue among many nations of the world.

  Though the british sailors had admitted to have trespassed on iranian's territorial water of the islamic republic.
  It is an understatement for the british prime minister,Tony Blair,to have regarded the iranian government's acts as unjustified and wrong,rather he should hold peace talks with the U.N to resolve amicably these conflicting crisis so as to get those detained britons out of this helpless situations.