Comments:U.S. anti-war mom calls it quits

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...we won't miss you. You are mentally ill, and I hope that you get the help that you need. You did not honor your son's death by acting like a fool. You were a pathetic joke. You ruined the family that you had left, instead of bringing your family together in their time of need, when they in fact, needed you most. I doubt that they will have an easy time forgiving you for that. I don't blame your husband for leaving you. You left him, when you went trotting off all over the country and beyond, spouting your anti-war rhetoric. You have become obsessed with your hatred for Bush. It is to the point of being unhealthy. You need help dealing with your son's death. Cindy, we won't miss your manical rant's and raves on TV. You need to go back to your family, give them the love that they deserve, and make an appointment to see a good psychiatrist.--POST RESPONSES, EMAILS GO TO SPAM UNREAD.