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This is a 'generalised' template to supply a DPL within any infobox. With no parameters specified to control number of articles, it will fall back to displaying the 7 (seven) most-recently published, and undisputed, articles in a bulleted list. A category to build the DPL from must be specified by using the first parameter, or specifying category=Foo. If omitted then, as above, a warning will be displayed documenting the detected fault.

Thus {{Infobox-DPL|Scotland}} and {{Infobox-DPL|category=Scotland}} are equivalent.
  • A second category may be specified by using intersecting=Bar
Example: {{Infobox-DPL|Scotland|intersecting=Sports}} (or {{Infobox-DPL|category=Scotland|intersecting=Sports}})

Other options

— Display n articles in the DPL
— Force the DPL to be restricted to 5 (five) articles maximum (overrides any specified articlecount value if this parameter is present)
— Suppress the display of publication dates in the DPL
— Exclude a category from the DPL
Eg. use excluding=Culture and entertainment with a country category to "clean" a DPL - {{Infobox-DPL|United States|excluding=Culture and entertainment}}
— suppress bullets on the list, only outputting a DPL with line breaks between article titles
— Special parameter for use when multiple columns of articles are to be displayed (eg, a horizontal infobox as-opposed to a vertical one).
The first column (where the parameter need not be specified) is column=1, the second column=2 and so on.
For each column after the first, you must specify all other paramters exactly the same as on the first column!

So, {{Infobox-DPL|Scotland|intersecting=Crime and law|articlecount=3|bulleted=no}} displays as-follows:

5 June 2020: Face coverings to be mandatory on public transport in England from June 15, transport secretary declares
13 September 2019: Scottish court finds suspension of UK parliament unlawful
25 April 2018: Scottish man sentenced over 'grossly offensive' joke on YouTube

See also
