Treatment of Amy Scobee after publication of her book, ''Scientology - Abuse at the Top'' ?

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Extremes of punishment and reward were amply demonstrated by Pavlov in the last century, and have been used on humans and animals since the beginning of time to enslave them, and keep them so off-balance that they cannot plan a revolt. It serves a larger purpose of addicting them to an abusive social pecking order, and getting the abused to volitionally carry the same practices out on others. Every family, religion, and nation is rife with examples of this same abuse, in varying forms.

When L. Ron Hubbard was initially contemplating the creation of this fiction, he'd made a bet with his buddies that he could create a religion. Being a writer needing finances, he made sure to set his cult up as a tithe-paying religion. Unfortunately, he was more successful than he'd originally dreamed, and no good can come from the Big Lie. Hitler proved that; so did the Inquisition.

Amy was in a prime position to learn all the inside dirt and reveal it, which is so very essential, because this cult is still denying and white-washing murders that they've caused to be carried out on former members, and they've got to be exposed. If Hitler had been repeatedly, nationally exposed as he was forming his core group of henchmen, perhaps he might not have come to power and caused the murders of many millions of people. But that didn't happen, because he got to do his dirty work in the dark, and his evil grew strong.

Amy is very brave to reveal her own flaws, desires, and vanities in the telling of this story, which makes it more compelling. It wouldn't have had the ring of truth if she'd tried to hide it. I applaud her great courage in revealing that this cult, which was really the sum, love, and foundation of her entire life, was a complete fraud, that robbed her of her childhood, innocence, family love and ties, and the friendships formed over a lifetime. It stripped her of her compassion for others and herself, and made her a slave. Until she began to confront these lies, she stayed a slave. This is more than breakthrough ... it's a jailbreak.

Amy, please keep telling this story, all over the world, and to everyone who will listen. Tell it with interpreters for the deaf, and foreign language interpreters, as well as to English-speaking audiences. Get the book printed in other languages for distribution, particularly Spanish, for the Spanish population here at home. Everyone needs to see them as you see them, from the inside out. Then they'll pay more attention to the murders that they've caused to be committed, because they'll understand that lies corrupt character, and a corrupt character can be capable of anything as a means to an end.

You've learned how to produce from them. Now produce their downfall. It's time they reap what they've sown. And Amy, research the murders and protect yourself. They like to set things up to look like drug overdoses.

cameowalkin12:36, 10 March 2011

cameowalkin - just saw this post today and wanted to thank you. I am continuing to expose their criminality.

Amy Scobee05:26, 23 August 2011

The Rest of the Story.... Cameowalkin, You fail to realize that almost EVERY statement you just made about AMY as a victim, Can also be made with her as the Perpetrator.

Many-times over.  People, think!! 

Why do you think the Church released such goofy slander on her? ( Shes horny, and got fat? Its retarded criticism and we all know it )

Heres s what the church is NOT going to say... "We took a girl with no Proper education, and after running her thru a Brutal Bootcamp like program, We found out she was A ruthlessly awesome Bitch, and Great at Screaming, threatening and intimidating People,

a true Ruthless Unreasonable Nazi ( actually they would admit to half
of that_) So despite having NO actual skills,  WE Made her an 

INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE because People were afraid of her and WE LIKE


Amy was NOT a passive player, people. She Was a TOP DOG! She was a Pitbull and she had a bite. This Bad Church she keeps talking about WAS HER. These are things that SHE DID. Not just done to her, BUT DID. And, NO, You can not say that about everyone. She Did have a choice HOW she ran things. When she says passively "the church does this or that" "the church lies about time off" She is passively ADMITTING TO DOING WHATEVER BAD THINGS WERE DONE TO HER, justifying it, and labeling it as "just the CHURCH". When AMY admits to these things EXPLICITLY Then I might start to start to have some respect for her.

    That being said, I DO NOT WANT AMY TO STOP TALKING. 

I am NOT trying to attack her Credibility either. Maybe if she feels safe enough she can own up to her part and grow...But she sounds like a plucky Mary-Sue Mary_Sue Heroine in this Tale. SHE WAS NOT! She is ( or was at least ) a classic ANTI-Villianess. --->Sliding ScaleOf Scoby<--- When she finally admits: "I also did, and was responsible for a lot of fucked up things, For a long-time. Now I am sorry, and wish to

stop the institutional Problems that led to MY( and others) moral 

failures" Then, and only then, She can evolve into the Anti-Heroine Role. So with a Literary Metaphors Time-line starting with my direct Observations: (1) Stone-cold Evil Bitch -> evolves -> (2) Evil Bitch with a Heart of Gold -> Evolves-> (3)Bitch with a Heart of Gold no point does the she-wolf becomea Sue-wolf.

Until that time, I'll save my compassion for the many Underage children

 and young adults exposed to her reign of terror.  I was there!!!! (talk)13:23, 11 September 2011

It stripped her of her compassion for others and herself, and SHE MADE HERSELF A SLAVER'''. I find this statement more accurate of working with AMY. (talk)12:20, 11 September 2011