The EU should win an award for a slick greenwashing campaign

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The EU should win an award for a slick greenwashing campaign

LMAO "cut emissions 20% by 2020" - as if that was even close to an amount significant enough to impact the course of climate change! Seriously, get real Europe, stopping climate change isn't about changing lightbulbs- Its about fundamentally changing and rapidly rebuilding the energy economy and the lifestyles of opulence and excess in the developed world that place such taxing demands upon it. Youll have to cut emissions by at least 50% by 2020 and by 80-100% by 2050 if you want to even hope to hold on to anything vaguely resembling the climate of the 20th century. Otherwise just be honest and forget about it, and get used to your new planet. (talk) 23:19, 1 September 2010 (UTC) (talk)23:21, 1 September 2010

I'm not sure whether to agree with you or not, but LED bulbs would be better. I guess they'll start phasing the 'energy saving' mercury-filled ones eventually.

ArchabacteriaNematoda (talk)03:59, 2 September 2010

I absolutely agree that LED lamps are far superior to compact fluorescent, both in terms of energy efficiency and life/cycle toxicity. Currently they're quite expensive, but the price is coming down. (talk)15:35, 2 September 2010