Let the man do with the camera what he needs

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Let the man do with the camera what he needs

This man, Mister Mitchell, is a hero by all standards, he risked his life and limb to explore space and grant us a greater knowledge and understanding of our universe. Nowadays many of us take for granted such knowledge, and some even think it was a waste. Everyone being entitled to their own notions and opinions(even if they are ridiculous) in my view it was a very important step for "humankind". In the here and now, these notions are fine and swell, but they give a sort of underlining to the story and the fact that NASA is taking legal action against one of our World's most courageous and celebrated living heroes. It is sad and downright wrong to do this to a senior, even more so to a senior with economical issues. The US should take better care of its Living Treasures, not just the immaterial, even more so because they ARE living, once they pass away all those personal experiences will be gone leaving only a Treasured Memory. Why would NASA do such a thing, after all they still boast about how they put men on the Moon, for Pete's sake they RISKED this man's life! I say he is entitled to keep HIS camera, he is an elderly man and putting him under such a situation is just ridiculous, not to mention they ARE putting him under duress risking HIS life once more to the pressure of the US legal system. Younger men get sick from attending court, end up bald and worse, and MR. Mitchell is no criminal (as far as we know). If this is what NASA is all about these days, bickering over something they would have thrown into the trash in all reality back then, no wonder they got their budget shredded (wasting of money on a lawsuit). This is sour affair, and it makes me sick to my stomach how low NASA officials have sunk. If they want the darned thing back, why they don't cough up the money they are spending on the lawyer and just pay Mitchell his price for having "secured and curated the equipment" and solve the issue. Elegant compromises are better than bruised wallets and even more bruised spirits.

Randomflux (talk)12:47, 2 July 2011

I agree. NASA spending taxpayer money to sue a national hero over a piece of junk is a disgraceful situation.If this is how NASA uses it's budget , maybe it ought to be time to consider shrinking or closing NASA for making such shameful decisions in rough economic times. Why not auctioning off all NASA to lower the public depth. (talk)15:33, 2 July 2011

This man has money problems. Let him pose in a beggar's outfit and take a pic, send it to the world with the caption, "THIS IS HOW NASA LOOKS AFTER THEIR ASTONAUTS" (talk) 00:03, 3 July 2011 (UTC) (talk)00:03, 3 July 2011

NASA you have got to be kidding me. Don't do this, it is not a good look.

Greg321rw (talk)13:07, 4 July 2011