The Hopeful thing that could happen

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I'm simply glad we have a government which *isn't* run by Gordon Brown. We have Cameron / Clegg as a coalition, and I'm pleased we finally have someone in charge who is going to get a chance to rectify all the dismal failures which Blinky Brown has managed to knock together in partnership with "Y not B Liar?".

In all fairness, a dead one eyed horse could have done a better job than... No, wait...sorry. We just got rid of one of those :)

BarkingFish (talk)13:57, 12 May 2010

Oh yea of the short-term-memory loss; Thatcher's favoured children just got the keys to the exchequer. They'll be selling the country off by the pound weight.

Brian McNeil / talk21:51, 12 May 2010

This certainly is an awkward coalition government. I have a hard time imagining Cameron and Clegg getting on so well once decisions of policy start to be made. I expect it to be sort of like when Stalin and Trotsky were elected heads of the supreme Soviet. Publicly they presented a united front, but in reality they were always at each others throats. We all know what happened to Trotsky... (talk)16:43, 13 May 2010

I'd doubt that Cameron would kill Clegg and wright him out of history. Hopefully Clegg will pull Cameron to the center and likewise, but since they are both politicians the most likely thing happening is that the coalition will failed. --KDP3 (talk) 20:55, 13 May 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)20:55, 13 May 2010

Well, they've already upped Value Added Tax (Sales Tax for you Americans) by 2.5% to 20%.

Guess what? That hits those on lowest incomes the hardest. Not to mention that it would be relatively trivial for anyone on £30,000+ p.a. to take out VAT registration and profit from reclaiming on a variety of larger purchases such as computers.

Brian McNeil / talk23:01, 13 May 2010

I am not an accountant. That sounds like an option some self-employed people and company directors. However, in return, you get to be a tax collector for the government: you have to collect 20% from all your customers.

InfantGorilla (talk)13:56, 14 May 2010

I wasn't suggesting that literally, what I meant is that it seems likely that as time goes on Clegg and the Lib Dems will be relegated to the political wilderness (as Trotsky was) due to the deep and fundamental ideological differences that Lib Dems have with the Tories. (talk)16:44, 14 May 2010

Clegg has condemned the Lib-Dems to at least 20+ years in the political wilderness by getting into bed with the chinless wonders from Eton.

Fun facts about the UK's new government:

  • There are 23 millionaires on the conservative benches
  • The old-boys-network is in ascendancy; MPs who are former pupils of Eaton has increased from fifteen to twenty.
Brian McNeil / talk18:18, 14 May 2010