More likely to become... non-voters

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I agree with the spectacle attendee's being more likely to never vote. I do not see the correlation between fireworks and Republicanism. I do think there is a correlation between those who attend organized religious ceremonies and Republican voting since the violations of the Constitution by both the Republicans and their friends within religion are matters of historical fact. The insane number of US citizens who do not vote has more to do with our dishonest elections than any other factor. I have to vote inside a Baptist church near my home which is a direct and overt violation of the US Constitution. I have sent many letters to the Election Board in my county (St. Charles, Mo.) to no avail. I have wittinessed vote suppression by County officials by means of not supplying enough machines at our church ballot place. I went to vote in a Presidential race and it took over an hour and one half to get to the machines. There were four machines---we normally had 20. When I got home I called and complained. I checked two hours later and the lines were down to normal after the correct number of machines were brought out--yes I looked in to verify. Republicans love stopping and making difficult as possible all voting activity as they win big when the count is down. Conclusion is Republicans are scum, criminal, sleazy, self serving, religious con artists!

Citizen (talk)07:29, 4 July 2011