It's rare.......

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You make some VERY salient points, to which, I will prattle on about(just a wee bit), but I'm not sure will offer a poignant answer.....other than (kind of) agreeing with you: 1)In the grown up world, when you say, 'I take responsibility for my words/actions'.....that means you are willing to LIVE WITH the outcome, in an effort to REALLY make amends. I'm not saying someone should lie down and be killed for a parking ticket, but he should've been smart enough (even 10 years ago) to know what he was saying/writing would be available in a public place and (considering his station in life even then) should've been aware of the adage, 'People believe what they read.' 2) Disney is a 'family minded' company....that is ALSO traded on the stock market. The have a board, they have shareholders, their 'image' is a VERY big deal. They have to think of that, in terms of children/families etc. They're not 'Joe's Biker Bar' (no offense to bikers or guys named Joe, either!) 3) Most importantly, they didn't kill the guy. Really, if I were the assistant manager at my local Burger King and I plastered those jokes on a poster and hung them up by the soda fountain, I'd be fired in 10 seconds! Why should he by any different? (Other than, yes......I think 10 years if an awful long time to be punished for some stupid words). 4)No one appointed Disney to be the arbiter of the #metoo movement, which means it's not for them decide if things are 'getting out of hand'....actually they're not strong/big enough to even do that! So, the above serves as me back pedaling from my rant a tiny bit!

Bddpaux (talk)17:34, 3 August 2018