Comments from feedback form - "I am very impressed with what ..."

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Comments from feedback form - "I am very impressed with what ..."

I am very impressed with what Mr.Assange has accomplished for free press. Truly impressive and worthy of a nobel peace prize. This website is the most important invention of our time and should be protected at all costs. It reveals the lies and deceit our governments constantly perpetuate and the fear that it invokes in our governments is a sign that we are on the right track. I feel that 100% transparency in our governments actions is the only way for us as a society to hold our countries responsible for the countless irresponsible decisions being made that are supposedly in our best interest. Thank you for everything you have accomplished Mr. Assange and keep it up!!! I wish you all the best in the future and pledge to help promote wikileaks in any way I possibly can. I am from Canada where the vast majority of our population seems to think our government is immune from the corrupt practices demonstrated by U.S politicians, when in fact, the reality of the situation is that our governments hands are even dirtier. Canada has been testing biological weapons for the U.S on a number of its military bases

(cfb suffield) in southern alberta and areas in the far north for a number of years now and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that canada played a key role in the anthrax attacks in the U.S and the fear mongering the U.S government constantly perpetuates to keep its citizens from really looking and seeing the atrocities the CIA and NSA have committed against its own citizens. (talk)18:03, 2 December 2010