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The World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 pandemic a public global health emergency. It is likely that everyone on Wikinews is affected by this disaster, whether because they are an essential worker for their day job, because they know someone who is a nurse or doctor or clerk and therefore in danger, because they know someone who is sick, because they're coughing and wondering if they're infected themselves, or even just because they are stuck at home for social/physical distancing, possibly with roommates or family members they don't like. Tempers are short and everyone's well of emotional patience is low.

It is proposed that we observe the following temporary changes to WN:ETIQUETTE:

  • Avoid giving your opinion on any person here on Wikinews or on that person's actions, even if you think your opinion is positive. WN:E does say to give praise where praise is do, but you can do it later. This emergency gives maximum possibility that what you say will be misread as insufficient or annoying. You have a right to your opinion, but you'll still have it (and the opinion) once the virus has subsided, and it's more likely to be taken in the spirit in which it was meant.
  • The necessary exception is reviewers performing review. Please use as few value judgements as possible.
  • Respect all requests for distance. If someone says "leave me alone," then leave them alone. This may mean refraining from posting on their talk page or just changing the subject under discussion. If someone walks away from you, let them.
  • Remember that we cannot hear anyone's tone of voice. What you initially thought was snippiness might have been nothing.
  • If there's someone you've had fights or almost-fights with in the past, consider staying away from them and off their collaboration page.
  • SLOW THINGS DOWN. Whenever you become angry or annoyed at someone on Wikinews, stop and realize that perhaps that is not the real reason for your emotions, or not all of it. Consider waiting 12 hours or 24 hours to see if you really do feel you should say something.
  • Now is not the time to tell people about that thing they've been doing for six months that bothers you. It will keep until everyone is back in their normal headspace.
  • Remember that Wikinews is not your emotional outlet. If you need to vent, try going to IRC and asking a friend if you can PM them. Try using the email-this-user function and asking to talk privately. Some people enjoy hearing other people rant about their roommates or their sadness, but others find it upsetting. Asking permission lets you learn the difference.
  • Remember why we're here: to write the news. The public needs us more than ever.

Thank you, Wikinews community, and stay safe!