User talk:TalkHard/In-Depth Articles

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I plan to set up a poll on adding an In-Depth Article section to the main page. Before I do I'd appreciate feedback on the following:

  • More criticism of the idea that needs to be addressed.
  • More examples of potential stories.
  • In-Depth Article a good name for the idea? Other suggestions?
  • Anywhere else the piece could be clarified or improved?

TalkHard 14:45, 13 Feb 2005 (UTC)


  • Timing - Wikinews as a beta project has been in existence since late November. Although investigative reporting is a great goal, it isn't likely to be encouraged until we have more news coming in than we have room for.
  • Critical investigative reporting requires time, resources, and high standards. It would be useful to develop the standards first.
  • In-Depth is not a good title, imo
  • Front page - the main page will be undergoing major changes in the next weeks, when we get certain technical upgrades implemented in the software. Until then it would be very inappropriate to ask for changes. The current main page layout is primarily to reduce maintenance requirements while awaiting these technical upgrades.

There is much more I'd like to say, but I haven't the time to address this in-depth; there are too many things which require my time and attention. I think the same will be true for many of the dedicated wikinewsies - which is why I would strongly suggest you hold off on this.

Also, develop discussions and avoid polls. See Wikinews talk:Crossword poll for some idea of why. This is a fine place to begin, as well as the water cooler. - Amgine 16:25, 13 Feb 2005 (UTC)