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Balloons let loose for triple murder victim

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Friends and family mourned further today by releasing balloons into the Manchester sky, after it was revealed that one of the triple murder victims from Fallowfield's "Triple murder massacre" achieved two As and a B in her A-level exams.

Around 100 balloons were released some with her papers documenting her grades at Parrswood Technology College. Kesha Wizzart was brutally murdered with her mother, Beverley Samuels and her brother, Fred Wizzart in July 2007. The suspect charged with their murders is 32 year-old Pierre Williams, originating from Birmingham.

Hundreds of past and present friends payed tribute to the student at the multiple burial at Oxford Road's Holy Name of Jesus Church in Manchester. A statement released by Greater Manchester Police on behalf of the family read:

"It will be incredibly difficult to say goodbye to Beverley, Kesha and Fred, but we want this to be a day for us to remember how they lived rather than the way they died. We want to celebrate the life, love and light they brought to some [sic] many."

Kesha studied English, law and philosophy and died at the age of 18 on July 12, 2007.
