
Bush makes a surprise visit to Iraq

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

President George W. Bush has made a surprise visit to Iraq hoping to bolster some support. He also went to meet their new Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and talk about next steps in the war. Even al-Maliki didn't know that Bush was coming until five minutes before he arrived.

The trip comes as over 70,000 mostly Iraqi citizens prepare to deploy into Baghdad to try and bring security to the capital.

It was a very dramatic move by the president to travel to a violence crazed area in Baghdad less than a week after the death of al-Zarqawi. Bush met with al-Maliki in a very well forified green zone in a palace once used by Saddam Hussien.

Aside from al-Maliki and his cabinet, Bush was to see Jalal Talibani, Iraq's largely ceremonial president. Bush also was to meet with the speaker of the parliament, a few national political leaders and many U.S. troops.

