Ex-CIA Director George Tenet's memoir published

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Monday, April 30, 2007

George Tenet

Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George Tenet has released his memoir, At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA.

The book outlines Tenet's version of 9/11, the War on Terrorism, the 2001 War in Afghanistan, the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war, rough interrogation and other events.

Tenet spoke about his memoir on 60 Minutes yesterday, outlining the contents of his book including allegations that are contrary to the George W. Bush administration positions.

Tenet faced accusations of hypocrisy from former espionage officials on the book's release date, for not speaking out earlier against the White House's push to invade Iraq.

An error was found in the book where a key conversation with then Pentagon advisor Richard Perle on September 12, 2001, in which Tenet claims Perle told him that "Iraq had to pay for the attack" could not have occurred as Perle was stranded in Paris and didn't return to Washington, D.C. until three days later.

