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Canadian Idol comes to Ottawa

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

This weekend, March 25 and 26, was a big weekend in the Ottawa area for Canadian Idol want a Be's. Canadian Idol is a national singing competition that is organized by CTV Inc. a Canadian broadcasting communications company for Canadian citizens. The television show, greatly based on "American Idol," has been on going for several seasons. In the past auditions have been know to have line-ups of thousands of people, however, this year after taking a tour around the new location it appears that line ups were manageable. Having the auditions at the St. Laurent Shopping mall makes this easier said Idol's security coordinator Rick Paciorek. Organizers have decided to change the way the auditions will "rock and roll."

Having decided last minute, Saturday evening, to participate in the singing contest I decided to practice "I heard it through the grape vine" and "It's all coming back to me now." Lined up and registered on Sunday at around 10:30 a.m. the whole thing was fairly easy. Compared to previous year’s contestant may show up at any time they wish, in between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

At 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning there were no real line ups for registration. Security and Canadian Idol greeting staff did however say that Saturday was "crazy (busy) with people lining-up as early as 5:00 a.m."

After receiving my competition number 16350 I tagged it to my shirt and ran back around to wait in line. Compared to my previous experience in Toronto 2003 this was heaven. A few competitors explored the shopping mall during this time. In Toronto 2003 the line up lasted about 18 hours before I got passed the first step.

Anxiety was in the air and to sooth the feeling a lot of people socialized. I talked to the closest person to me, a girl called Bambi that sings regularly at a local pub called the Royal Oaks. She sings every Thursday. Just before heading off to the audition a large pack of competitors just came back from the new Museum of War. As I waited in line I wondered if I should practice my songs. Within no time, we were up! We were called to sing in front of two judges in groups of five. The whole ordeal was over within approximately 2 hours. Actually, by 12:30 I was at home eating lunch and a little disappointed in my last minute decisions.

Also, compared to last year the maximum age limit went up from 26 to 28 years old. Participants may now be between the age of 16 and 28 years old.

There is even a "forum" discussion for those that want advice or comments about Canadian Idol. [1]. The next Canadian Idol Auditions will be held in Halifax April 8 & 9, 2006.


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.