Category:September 26, 2006

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News briefs


The time is 22:00 (UTC) on August 26th, 2006. I'm Jonphamta, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.



India's Supreme Court confirms that Mohammed Afzal will hang for his role in the 2001 attack on Parliament. His execution is to be carried out on 20 October.


The European Commission has accepted Bulgaria and Romania as members of the EU from January 1, 2007 under what analysts call the strictest terms in recent history.

A Belgian court has ruled that Google News could not use material from "Belgian publishers of the French- and German-speaking daily press" without paying a copyright fee, in a case brought by Copiepresse, an association of newspaper editors


Safia Ahmed-jan, an advocate of women's rights and a strong critic of the Taliban's repression of those rights, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen outside her home in Khandahar city in southern Afghanistan on Monday.

Closing statements

We invite you to visit for up-to-date news and information. This has been Audio Wikinews Newsbriefs. Thank you for listening, and enjoy the rest of your day. This recording has been released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
