Chinese bloggers pressure leads to kitten killer giveup

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Wang Jue, a Chinese nurse appearing in a disturbing internet video stomping a cat with her high-heel shoes, gave herself up to authorities after bloggers and some print media started a campaign to trace back the recording. In the beginning, she was labeled as the kitten killer of Hangzhou, because it was believed she was from there; but some internauts recognized an island in northern Heilongjiang province.

Wang posted an apology on the Luobei city government official website. She said she was recently divorced and didn't know what to do with her life. The cameraman, a provincial TV employee, and she lost their jobs when internauts discovered their identities.

Nevertheless, since China lacks laws against cruelty to animals, Wang and the cameraman might be freed soon.

The site ( where the video was first posted is no longer active.
