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Colin Powell Resigns as U.S. Secretary of State, Rice Likely Successor

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Colin Powell

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

UNITED STATES OF AMERICASecretary of State Colin Powell submitted his long-expected resignation as of Monday, November 15, and his resignation was accepted by President George W. Bush. His resignation letter was sent to the President on Friday. Powell has said that it was always his intention to serve only one term.

The San Gabriel Valley Tribune said that Powell often had disputes with Bush Administration officials holding what the newspaper termed "more hawkish" views.

On Tuesday, President Bush announced his nomination of National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice as Powell's successor. Reuters cited senior Bush administration officials as saying that her deputy, Stephen Hadley, will succeed her in her role as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs if she is confirmed as Secretary of State.
