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Comments:Indian MP demands arrest of writers reading banned novel at literature festival

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Mention who Rushdie is and how..."116:24, 23 January 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Mention who Rushdie is and how..."


Mention who Rushdie is and how he relates -- he isn't introduced in the article (talk)16:19, 23 January 2012

There are trivial ways to find the information you mention, and it's as if you expect us to write "news for ET" in assuming our readers won't know who Salman Rushdie is.

1. The article links to the Wikipedia entry on the book. 2. This is a follow-up on the article covering Rushdie's decision not to attend.

Both of those links trivially answer the points you raise. Were a news article to expound as you seem to think it should, it would cease to be a news article and become an encyclopedia entry. Seek those over there.

Brian McNeil / talk16:24, 23 January 2012