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Comments:Sandra Fluke named candidate for Time's 100 most influential people

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Time Magazine is a arm of the ..."116:46, 5 April 2012
She makes her case.302:09, 4 April 2012
Pff.322:42, 3 April 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Time Magazine is a arm of the ..."

Time Magazine is a arm of the democratic party and this girl was used to promote a cause, she was simply a pawn that was used to promote a false agenda for O’bummer and his cronies. (talk)16:36, 5 April 2012

Any evidence to back up any of your spurious claims?

-- Cirt (talk)16:46, 5 April 2012

She makes her case.

Remember guys, this affects you too.

I'm a man and I have to agree with Sandra. I'm actually quite surprised to find out that birth control drugs are not covered by healthcare plans. Women need a doctor visit and a prescription to buy it..and it's not covered? Something is clearly wrong here.

Given the comment below, I hope they put her on the cover. (talk)23:59, 2 April 2012

That would indeed be quite an interesting development were that to occur. Thanks very much for your comment.

-- Cirt (talk)04:53, 3 April 2012

Oh shut up you self-righteous, effete liberal pussy. (talk)09:32, 3 April 2012

More trolling, fascinating.

-- Cirt (talk)02:09, 4 April 2012

Fuck that slut. (talk)12:57, 2 April 2012

Ah, trollspace.

Pi zero (talk)13:43, 2 April 2012

Indeed. :(

-- Cirt (talk)13:56, 2 April 2012

If she gets her way, you CAN and not be stuck with child support payments for eighteen years. Nice, right? (talk) 22:42, 3 April 2012 (UTC) (talk)22:42, 3 April 2012