David Suzuki to Visit University of Toronto

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Environmentalist and science broadcaster David Suzuki, best known as the host of the hit TV show The Nature of Things, is taking a trip to Toronto to speak about climate change. Suzuki will be speaking about how to achieve sustainable development within one generation.

The David Suzuki Foundation developed a report, "Sustainability within a Generation: A new vision for Canada", partly in response to research that found Canada ranked 28 out of 29 developed nations in environmental categories such as climate change. The report outlines an agenda for the country to make it a leading sustainable economy, focusing on efficiency improvement, eliminating waste and pollution, and developing sustainable urban centers.

The event, presented by Jack Layton and sponsored by the New Democratic Party of Canada, will be held on April 2nd, 2005 at Convocation Hall on the University of Toronto campus, Ontario.