
Digital education in São Paulo, Brazil: More problems than solutions?

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Actual platforms used by CMSP in August, 2024

Launched in March 2020 by the Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (SEDUC-SP), the São Paulo Media Center (CMSP) was established to ensure educational continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, it provided remote learning and support for school activities, quickly becoming essential as traditional teaching methods were disrupted.

Despite early challenges with technology and internet access, the CMSP adapted and evolved, integrating various educational tools over time. By 2023, the shift towards digital learning was unmistakable, with traditional schoolar booklets being temporarily replaced by digital materials. This transition sparked criticism regarding the quality and accessibility of the new content. Although the Currículo em Ação's booklets reappeared in October 2023, and, later, the Aprender Sempre's in 2024, their usage was minimal as the educational system had become accustomed to the CMSP.

By 2024, São Paulo’s educational landscape now relies heavily on the CMSP, which now includes numerous additional platforms. This growing reliance has introduced new issues, including technical problems and disparities in digital access. Educators reported that the CMSP overlooks practical issues, such as power outages and system slowdowns, which can disrupt the teaching process.

Today, the CMSP encompasses 14 distinct platforms for Ensino Fundamental II (equivalent to the Middle School/Junior High School level in the USA). This proliferation of platforms has led to a fragmented teaching approach, raising further concerns among educators and students about the coherence and effectiveness of the educational experience.


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.